Friday, September 17, 2010


Last night was a wild night. Stormy, wet and windy It was a mad dash from the parking lot to the exercise room and I was soaking wet by the time I got to my destination. The instructor arrived a few minutes after me in an even squishier condition. The rainstorm had drenched her from head to toe.

As the class began, with the four people who showed up, something was out of sync.  Me of course, but that is normal I always manage to move half a beat slower than the class. But this was more than that. The warm up completed we went into the forms. It then became apparent the teacher was "off balance". She explained she had come from taking a class, to teaching a class.  Apparently, the juxtaposition of her role from student to teacher had not quite blended this evening.  Now this is a lady who has been a Tai Chi practitioner since the 1980's.

This wet hen found great comfort in that last night. My teacher, is still a student of another guru. And 7 weeks into this new study there is a chance I am not such a slow learner after all.  This slow, relaxed, stress free exercise,  touted so much these days for its accessibility and ease, is in fact a disciplined, ancient, martial art, that cannot be learned overnight, or in 7 weeks.  So the journey continues and the wonder of it all remains...... 

And lo and behold,  underneath my self criticism sits the scratchy thorn of my personal motto: "Dear God I want patience and I want it right now!"   An interesting awareness in my journey towards peace. Funny how it always surfaces in it's own inimitable prickly way.   But that is why I am here after all.....

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