Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This  You Tube video brought me to tears.......
Perhaps because I am closer to the aging parent stage than the child stage.
Perhaps because it reminds me of my mother whom I cared for impatiently at times.
Perhaps because it reminds me of families I know who at this moment are living and struggling with this season of life.
Perhaps because it is inevitable for all of us, if we live long enough.
But mostly because of the powerlessness that I try so hard not to acknowledge in my life. I cover it with a veil of control that is only an illusion. When I  know in my heart that powerlessness needs to be embraced rather than ignored, or cast aside.  And, from that embrace comes acceptance and peace. This in my heart I do know..................and that is the scariest thing of all, for me.  Needing someone, who might not be there.

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