Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bertrand Russell, wrote in his autobiography in 1967:

"There is a possibility in human minds of something mysterious as night wind, deep as the sea, calm as the stars, and as strong as death, a mystic contemplation … Those who have known it cannot believe in wars any longer … if I could give to others what has come to me in this way, I could make them too feel the futility of fighting. But I do not know how to communicate it" …

I was a charter member of Bertrand Russell's Peace Movement in the mid-sixties. Many of my views have changed over the years, but that "something mysterious as the night wind, deep as the sea, calm as the stars and as strong a death", that mystic contemplation, still rests peacefully in my heart; where it once marched bravely, with great hope, in the face of rejection, believing that I could "communicate it"........

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