Friday, October 29, 2010


"There's always someone coming, or going."  A Scottish phrase expressing the fleeting impermanence of life and the fact that there is always someone being born and someone passing over. It was one of my mum's  expressions, one that summed things up in a simple phrase. The Scots can be a race of few words on occasion. But in those few words they express the essence of the event.
In these past few days, I have received news of two souls departed from this world too soon. One in their mid-thirties, other a decade or more older, but still too young. At least to someone of my decade. It makes one pause, it does. It makes one ponder how precious each day is, how important it is to tell those you hold dear, how much they mean to you. It makes one breath the air a little deeper, savor its freshness, and say a prayer for the bereaved.  Bless them all in their hours of darkness.......

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