Monday, July 16, 2007


"If the world seems cold to you, kindle fire to warm it."

- Lucy Larcom, hymnist

In re-reading my last post of roughly six weeks ago, the world appeared cold to me. Lately I have come through disorganization, limited despair, and worries I believed (at the time) I had no control over. Which has led me to the above quote: "If the world seems cold to you, kindle fire to warm it."
I did not knowingly kindle fire, what I did was walk through the mental fatigue brought on by the obstacles seemingly beyond my control. I held on, then let go, then moved on, all in the simple act of waking up each day and living it.
So maybe kindling the fire is achieved by the simple act of walking through each day we are given, at the pace we find suitable for that particular day, then laying our head on the pillow at night in the knowledge that today we lived......AMEN

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