I admit it, I am an overdoer. I work too hard for too long, eat too much, feel the need to over do it most of the time. I am heavy handed in drawing, heavy handed in adding spices to food, I am impulsive, etc. etc. etc.
I know not from whence this trait comes, but come it did and I have lived with it all of my life. Perhaps, being the daughter of an alcoholic has bent me toward excess; if at least using a different mode from my Da. Perhaps my Celtic roots give me both the predestination and the tenacity to endure, perhaps even embrace overdoing (this is a theory presented by my dear son). But I do know in my overdoing there lies a comfort of sorts, especially in physical tiredness. When I feel physically spent, I feel no pain but the physical kind; in the knees, the back etc. Maybe, just maybe, burying emotions takes a lot of physical work. And there are emotions to be submerged right now.
But then, that has been my story for as long as I can remember. Healthy? No, but ach, dinna fret, it has become a way of life.............maybe one day, when I am totally worn out, the need to bury the pain will pass, but for now................onward
The beauty being captured in space shows the Universe in all of her dazzling glory, adorned in beauty and truly unique. Who would have guessed the wonder of it all. It is the things dreams are made of, mystical, breathtaking images created from light, color and lack thereof.
Considering the turmoil down here these days, it is a call from the heavens to pause, soar, relish and refresh. Such wonder in the galaxy can only offer hope! Jeannie
"I walked a mile with sorrow and not a word said she, but oh the things that I did learn when Sorrow walked with me"
Once again, the circle diminishes, we close ranks for a day or two or three or four, whatever it takes, we weep, we hug, we laugh and we mourn another family loss. The losses are now closing in from parents to siblings. Life seems more fragile, emptier and infinitely less rich as the funny, warm, spirit of my eldest brother took his leave. He did not go quietly into that dark night. He fought till he could fight no more. I was with him when he stopped his labored breathing and when he took his last breath here, I prayed he was breathing deeply somewhere, for the first time in weeks, free from pain and suffering.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Amen